
Comparing The Micro, Mezzo, And Macro Levels Of Social Work

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The role of social work in the micro, mezzo, and the macro levels of practice are all different from each other but all have a common goal. The macro level of practice do not work directly with the people they are helping but their goal is to figure out how social problems start and why they continue. Macro level social workers research these social problems, find a beneficial way to assist and then create state or national wide programs. While the mezzo level work directly with communities, neighborhoods, and schools to name a few that are in need of help. The mezzo level help through programs and providing health services. Normally social workers who work in this level of practice are either involved in the micro level or the macro level as well, in order to ensure the needs and challenges of the individuals are recognized as well as the larger social issues that the group faces are addressed. The most common kind of social work is the micro level. Most people imagine social workers providing …show more content…

The micro level social workers work with individuals directly to support them through their challenges. At this level social workers assist families or individuals with problems they face some issues can be finding housing, health care, employment and services like counseling and therapy. The social worker working at the micro level will help find ways to solve the concerns the individual has. Each level of practice has their own role whether it be making policies to help, working with the struggling communities, or assisting the individuals in the community. It all comes together in order to help anyone who are struggling and need help.

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