
Comparing The Mojo Equine Patches

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Considering the advances in technology in the past decade, it is not difficult to see how technology will affect equine practice in the coming years (Ramey and Baus, 2012). Over the years, the reasons for keeping horses have changed. They are kept for various reasons and have become ever more popular in sports and recreation. The economic value of the equestrian sector stands at £4.3 billion of consumer spending across a wide range of goods and services each year. This has increased from £3.8 billion in 2011. (, 2017). Not only are the horses that are being kept for leisure purposes, but also those employed for sport being sold on due to undesirable behaviours. Ridden behaviour problems are prevalent in the UK leisure horse population …show more content…

Identify improvements or alterations in the behaviour of the horse that wears the patches compared to the same horse without them.
4. Compare data collected in previous literature to that collected during this study.
H1 – There will be a statistically significant difference between the horse’s behaviour wearing the mojo equine patches compared to those not wearing them. The Mojo Equine Patches will have a positive influence on a horse whilst being trained.
H0 – There will be no statistically significant difference between the horse’s behaviour wearing the mojo equine patches compared to those without. The MOJO Equine Patches will have no influence on a horse whilst being trained.
Chapter 3: Literature Review
3.1 -Equine …show more content…

Behavioural development in animals undergoing domestication is characterized by changes in the quantitative rather than qualitative nature of responses (Price, 1999). When being ridden McGreevy et al., (2009) found that horses may be that at their most dangerous (e.g., when bolting and bucking), ridden horses have simply reverted to responses within the predator model. This is interesting because it suggests that no matter how ethologically parallel in-hand work may be, a ridden horse can later revert to these counter–predator responses, seemingly confirming that ridden work may not be emphatically within, the horse’s ethogram. It could also suggest that whatever performance enhancing products are used, will the horse just revert back to these behaviours regardless. This shows that when the dialogue between horses and humans is consistent there is a positive correlation with relaxation and rapport. Inter-specific communication may help the horses overcome their fear and therefore reduce the tendency to use counter-predator responses. When the horse shows something of its own intention, it is often seen from a human perspective to be undermining the human-horse interaction. What horse people erroneously consider examples of reasoning in their horses, turn out to be excellent examples of trial-and-error

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