
Comparing the Ideas of Locke and Freire

Satisfactory Essays

Synopsis/Lesson Plan This lesson plan introduces students to three philosophers from three different time periods who came to define educational theories of their time. Class: Middle Secondary Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the educational contributions of three different philosophers/theorists with ideas that are hotly contested and are often at cross purposes. Students will be able to distinguish between Associationism and Critical Pedagogy and how the former contributed to the latter. Students will be able to comprehend and state the contrast and comparison of the ideas of Locke and Freire. Prerequisite Skills: High School reading comprehension Course work/Reading: Locke, Spencer and Freire The first of these is the English philosopher-polymath John Locke (1632-1704), widely hailed as father of classical liberalism and modern secular society. Locke's ideas had a profound effect on the coming of age of enlightenment and no less a figure than Thomas Jefferson attributed to Locke many of the ideas that became the bedrock of American democracy. John Locke came up with a natural rights theory to explain what existed prior to the existence of civil governments; the state of nature. For Locke, reason is the bridge between ideas; it fills in the gap that exists between separate ideas. For Locke reason is the cement which binds concepts together. Reason itself can lead to new knowledge, as is the case of demonstration, or lead us

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