
Comparison Between Cry Freedom And The Pianist

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associate and stick to Tommy’s beliefs. This made Tommy question his own understanding of the black community. Diffusion can create those who are impediment to change, as Biko said in Cry Freedom, “Blacks are unaware of the hardships they endure….we want them to stop accepting these hardships.” The different aspects of culture can help anthropologists gain further information and clarity in regards to conformity. This is where they can look at the way people organize themselves, in order to live in an acceptable manner. For example, in American History X, the white supremacists throw parties in order to gain new members and solidify the old ones. In addition, the levels of technology can create more tension between racial groups. The radio …show more content…

The news reports can promote or diminish the discrimination, depending on what is viewed to be right. In both Cry Freedom and The Pianist, forceful news reports can change the way others view society and racial prejudices. In Cry Freedom, the news portrayed the black community to show resistance towards the white police. When in truth, the news wanted to show the society that black individuals are more violent, just as the polish radios broadcasted Anti-Semitism in hopes of gaining more Nazi members in The Pianist. The media can give word to popular customs in a community, for example the white supremacists, in American History X, would hold parties where the leader would influence his ideals to his “followers” about black hatred and white superioty. In addition, the music in both Crash and Pleasantville share similar significance. In Crash, Peter said, “You have absolutely no idea where hip-hop music comes from, do you? See, back in the day we had smart articulate black men. These brothers were speaking out, and people were listening! Then the FBI said, ‘No, we can’t have that. Lets give the niggers this music by a bunch of mumbling idiots and sooner or later,

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