
Comparison Between 'Risks And' Banner In The Sky

Decent Essays

Risks make life worth living, they can cause people to make the right decision, as well as the wrong. In my opinion, risks are a part of everyday life and everyone takes them. In “A Boy and a Man,” from the book Banner in the Sky by James Ramsey, and “Risks” by Janet Rand, each passage is trying to teach the importance of taking risks. In “A Boy and a Man,” a young boy named Rudi Matt goes climbing and finds a famous mountain climber stuck in a crevasse. Rudi decides to stay and help the man get out of the crevasse. In “Risks,” is teaches the importance of taking risks and how they will help you through life. It also shows how not taking risks will make your life harder. Risks are usually taken to chose a point, to show somebody that you care or you are good enough to whatever it is you are risking. Both, passages share a common theme of risks being a part of life. …show more content…

Janet Rand, the author of “Risks,” is saying that the theme is risks are a part of life and everybody should take them once in awhile. When the author writes, “To laugh is to risk appearing the fool/ To weep is to risk being called sentimental/ To reach out to another is to risk involvement/ To expose feelings is to risk showing your true self,” she is saying that everyone takes risks throughout their whole life, even people who try to hide behind the thought of taking them. When you laugh in public, you are taking the risk of being stared at. The author is trying to say that you shouldn’t care if people stare and you should be yourself by taking risks. In lines 10-11, the author says, “But risks must be taken, because the greatest risk in life is to risk nothing/ The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing.” I feel that when the author says this, it means that if you chose to not take risks, you could end up being just another person in the

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