
Comparison Of Jus Just By Bradstreet And Willliam Bradford

Decent Essays

Faith, complete trust or confidence in someone or something. The first puritans that came to the new world were seeking freedom from the peresecution that others break them. Many peole think of “the mayflower” or “salem trials ” when they hear about Puritans but the first thing that comes to my mind is their undying Faith whethter it was right or wrong their faith was clearly strong just as Anne Bradstreet and willliam Bradford.

The first thing Bradstreet learns from the fire happens when she decides to thank God in while her house burning she then tells us that all the stuff on fire she did not really own becouse they qwere all God’, she couldn’t cry over the things gone. becouse anyway he had all the right to take it away. she usually questioned the concept of a judgmental god, Bradstreet never doubted the actual existence of a higher being. Her acknowledgement of God through out this poem shows her respect and devotion to her Puritan beliefs as well as her love for the spiritual world. …show more content…

I am a christian and always have been since i accepted christ at the age of 12 i have been able too do many things couse of my faith not only in god but i have found faith in myself through him. i now am able to live day to day and think at the end of each day thank you god for lettting me mak e it to this spot or thank you for giving me the things i have today. so i think no matter who you are or even if you aer like me you would be able to see that any thing is possible with faith, and that is how Faith has worked in my

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