1. As each year draws to a close, the editors of Time magazine review the years newsmakers and select one as representative of the year just passing. This selected newsmaker is then featured in a cover story in the year 's final issue. A politician, a chief of state, a scientist-perhaps these are the people you 'd expect to see featured in the special issue. If so, you might have been as surprised as were millions of others a few years ago to find that Time 's "Man of the year" wasn 't person at all. It was a machine: the computer
2. We are living in the computer age. Most of our day-to-day jobs are being influenced by the use of computers. In some areas such as Science and Technology
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10. Computer can manipulate both numeric and non numeric symbols. Data are facts or informational raw materials represented by these symbols. Information is the relevant knowledge that results from the processing and arranging of data in an ordered and useful form.
11. Data processing consists of :
a. Capturing the raw input data.
b. Manipulating it by using classifying, sorting, calculating and summarizing techniques.
c. Storing, retrieving communicating,and reproducing the output results of the manipulation.
12. These data processing activities are readily carried out by computers. A computer can accept input data from,and communicate processed output to, a large number of devices. The circuits in a computer are designed to facilitate calculating. Classifying,sorting, and summarizing are made possible by the computer 's ability to perform simple comparisons and then, depending on the result, follow a predetermined course of action. And split -second storage and retrieval activities are possible through the use of primary and secondary storage devices.
13. A system is a group of integrated parts that have the common purpose of achieving some objective(s). Since a computer is made up of integrated components that work together to perform the steps called for in the program being executed, it is a system. A basic computer system
Data is defined as useful raw material which is intended to be useful for both the originator and for the intended receiver. Data consists largely of facts and figures ideal for communicating the intended meaning. This data can be interpreted and can be categorised as follows;
Data is the form of input, which can be produced into information. For example, 5000 could be the value of a piece of data that a business has. By adding context to this, for example if an organisation sold 1000 sandwiches in a week; this becomes information, which will influence important decisions
Information is made from Data that is numerical which is changed and used to make it seem sense. For an example train timetable, the number of trains and how much it weights.
Which is a system
A system is “A set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole” (robbins 2006), and Systems theory is the
Technology and computerization has taken over almost every major industry today. More people purchase their movie tickets through an application on their phone, do their Christmas shopping online, deposit checks by taking a picture on their phone. Some people can even earn their degree without stepping their foot into a classroom, obtaining it completely online. With all of these advances in so many different
Information is data that has been processed so that it has meaning and value to a recipient,
Data comprises of factual information. Data are the facts from which information is derived. Data is not necessarily informative on its own but needs to be structured, interpreted, analysed and contextualised. Once data undergoes this process, it transforms in to information. Information should be accessible and understood by the reader without needing to be interpreted or manipulated in any way.
New and developing technology is beginning to have a huge impact on society for the better and for the worse. Technology helps us do our jobs better by helping us become more efficient and improving accuracy, but it is also minimizing the job market because it is slowly, but surely replacing
Information: It is interpreted data which has been given meaning. It answers questions such as “who”, “what” and “where”. It is data which is organized and structured.
A system is a set of interrelated parts. Systems theory assumes that a system must be understood as a whole, rather than in component parts. It is a way of looking at the world where all the objects are interrelated with one another. Many family systems are addressed in the movie Little Miss Sunshine.
I. Computer 's are an integral part of our daily lives. Just about anywhere you go, a computer is present. Hospitals, banks, even the gas pump you frequent, relies on computer 's to figure out how much gas you pump, how much it is per gallon, and where to get that money from. As you can see from this line graph, computer 's are in more demand than ever peaking at 350 million sold in a year. (Computer Sales Statistics)
Information is data which is accurate and timely specific and organized for a purpose presented within a context that gives it meaning and relevance. Information can lead to an increase in understanding and decrease in uncertainty.
3. Give three business examples (not mentioned in the text) of data that must be processed to provide useful information.