
Computers Are A Necessary Part Of Our Lives Day Essay

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Computers are indeed a necessary part of our lives day in and out. Some of us need to face them all day, others spend only a few hours or less. Nevertheless it is undeniable all of us get to a certain point in time where our eyes feel the strain of using it. How can we avoid computer eyestrain? Here are a few pointers to help our eyes stay healthy. Break up the time we spend on the computer. For those that need to spend hours at a time on the computer, the degree of eyestrain often correlates with the length of usage of the computer. Taking a very short break after 30 minutes e.g. even if only for 1 minute will help to reduce the fatigue. Use eye lubricants when necessary. When using the computer, most of us stare at the screens because we are concentrating on something, This reduces the blink rate and results in dry eyes. For some, just resting the eyes by closing it for a short period helps to get our eyes sufficiently moist again, however some people 's eyes are so dry that they need regular lubricants to alleviate the symptoms. Use eye lubricants that are recommended by your doctor. Do not get into the habit of using steroidal based eyes or eyedrops that cause vessel constriction (giving the false security of having white eyes) as these can cause future unwanted side effects such as glaucoma. When using lubricants, those with severe dry eyes should use it on a regular basis rather than waiting for their eyes to feel pain or discomfort first. Relax

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