
Essay about Conflict Resolution

Decent Essays

Conflict Resolution

Many people enjoy working or participating in a group or team, but when a group of people work together chances are that conflicts will occur. Hazleton describes conflict as the discrepancy between what is the perceived reality and what is seen as ideal (2007). “We enter into conflicts reluctantly, cautiously, angrily, nervously, confidently- and emerge from them battered, exhausted, sad, satisfied, triumphant. And still many of us underestimate or overlook the merits of conflict- the opportunity conflict offers every time it occurs” (Schilling, nd.). Conflict does not have to lead to a hostile environment or to broken relationships. Conflict if resolved effectively can lead to a positive experience for everyone …show more content…

Keeping all these in mind can lead to the best solution to solve the conflict.
Change and Expectations People do not always adjust well to change. Oftentimes when change occurs, conflict will arise. The new boss on the job or the new member of the team may be the change that brings a conflict. Expectations if not set clearly and held to standard can also lead to conflict among the team. Expectations must be set from the beginning. Expectations must also be clear and it must be verified that each team member understands the expectations. If a short coming on the expectations occurs, then action must be taken immediately. If no action is taken this could be understood as silent approval and team members will believe that the expectation is no longer important or required. When conflict does occur, the five models set out in The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument sets the standards for resolving the conflict. Avoidance Avoidance is defined as “an act or practice of avoiding or withdrawing from something” ( Avoidance may not be the answer if the conflict directly affects the team or the team’s goal. Avoidance is usually used when the conflict is irrelevant, relationships are at stake, more important issues are pressing, when one party is more emotionally involved, or when more information is needed (Culbertson, 2000). In avoidance the parties involved agree to place

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