
Conflicts And Conflict Resolution Process

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Conflicts are inevitable in any human 's’ interaction which makes their occurrence normal in the workplace. Conflict can be caused by imbalance of power and communication barriers that arise from the social structure or individual interpersonal’ perceptions, assumptions and expectations. The interpersonal conflict has a huge impact on the individual himself and extends to the workplace. The Human Resources (HR) role comes in light to attempt to help in the conflict resolution process. Human resources professionals take an integral part in facilitating and settling conflict situations. They consider the work environment and personal differences that have led to the conflict to arise. In the workplace, gender influences and permeates the …show more content…

When the 3rd party is contacted, it means that the problem is recognized and one of the parties has made the initial move to seek conflict resolution (McNamara, 2003). The role of HR professional as a third part is extensive. The HR professional has to be trained to look at the cause of the conflict and analyze the situation to be able to manage the conflict process. Because handling conflict is hard, there are certain dynamics that the 3rd party has to consider. When the conflicted parties are in the same room there are some ground rules that needs to be explained. In order to have a clear communication and good outcomes, the HR 3rd party starts the meetings by making sure that both parties are willing to corporate and be honest (McNamara, 2003) After that, he notifies them that each will have enough time to present their view of the conflict to avoid interrupting (McNamara, 2003). The HR 3rd party facilities the conflict by trying to “stop, look and listen” as a technique to show that he is giving the parties his full attention (McNamara, 2003). Sometimes, writing would help to assist the situation and summarizing the main points that have been covered (McNamara, 2003). In addition, the language used in the session is important, not only for clear communication but also to help escalating the conflict. For example, encourage the parties to refer to the action itself not

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