
Conservation Of Public And Private Partnerships

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Observing conservation through various approaches supplies historians with a platform upon which to evaluate their arguments and evidence, while delving into the very essence of the conservation movement. Applying the Progressive Movement as the inception for conservation history, historians have clearly accorded the individuals in the bottom-up approach with a voice, rather than perpetuating an elitist view of the past. Additionally, the utilization of public/private partnerships as a method to convey conservation history fostered this bottom-up approach. Illustrating how historians expand their desire to display history through ordinary individuals while blending both the bottom up and elitist attitudes contributes to this approach. While this viewpoint of the past is an essential variable in a complicated web of conservation, it is lacking in its ability to reveal how historians have applied conservation in specific instances. Beyond conservation then, lies the sense that historians have frequently neglected to incorporate how preservation of specific recreational areas into their scholarship. This is vital considering that without this frame of reference, conservation is lost within the idea that it is separate from nature. As an attempt to explain this neglect is the awareness that “One group of critics has suggested that the complexity and stochasticity of natural processes invariably complicate attempts to preserve wilderness,” creating an additional layer

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