
Consistent Self Monitoring

Satisfactory Essays

In the article Consistent Self-monitoring of Weight: A Key Component of Successful Weight Loss Maintenance, discussed different behaviors of maintaining weight loss. I thought this article was useful because it related to my topic of losing weight and how to track your weight loss. They researched that participants had to weigh themselves daily, weekly, or less than weekly and their results of weight loss were all different.This informed me that I should start to weigh myself frequently to track any results or to show my progression and I may start to notice how my attitudes and behavior might change as stated in the article “Weight monitoring also provides an opportunity for positive reinforcement when changes of behavior correspond to weight loss or avoidance of weight gain”.
Also gave information of the dietary intake of these individuals that they would stick to low fat and low-calorie diet which is what I have been doing for this project so felt reassured about that. Four-fifths of the participants eat breakfast every day as well as myself.They engage in physical activity for one hour per week in comparison to myself to where I workout five days a week for about thirty minutes and when you do notice weight gain from weighing yourself it makes the individual more motivated to workout. I discovered …show more content…

Since I have already started to eat low-calorie meals and exercise thirty minutes for five days out of a week I feel like I am on a good track and this article just made me more motivated to maintain

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