
Constellations In The Northern Hemisphere

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The constellations in the Northern hemisphere that I chose to observe are: Sagittarius, Scorpius, Hercules, Aquila and Ophiuchus.
The constellations have been used for quite a few things like navigation, agriculture and used to predicted the seasons and more. The many two that the ancient people used the constellations for were navigation and agriculture. The ancient Greeks and Romans used the North Star called Polaris just by looking at how high Polaris appeared in the sky at night. This allows them to sail the ships across the seas and to let them know where they are in the sea. The European also used the constellations to sail across the sea for the discovery of America and the spread of European …show more content…

The ancient Greeks and Romans, that named the constellation assumed it looked like a centaur shooting a bow and arrow into the heart of Scorpius, the scorpion. Sagittarius mean Archer. I observe Sagittarius first just by looking in the sky and then with my telescope. The easy way to find Sagittarius would be to find the Milky Way overhead in summer. Follow it to the southern skyline, and you should find Sagittarius. As with all constellations Sagittarius is best seen in a dark sky in the country. Sagittarius’ stars are relatively bright, you should be able to make out the basic shape even when the moon is …show more content…

I observe tried Scorpius with my own eyes but I could not find it so I used my telescope to find it and observe it. The best time to see the Scorpius is in the evening around 8:45pm. According to what my telescope information it said that is due to the fact that we are looking in the direction close to the center of our galaxy. I observe many stars in this area, and it is unfortunate for us in northern hemisphere that the observing season for this constellation is cut short both by the brief summer evenings.
The constellation of Hercules is one of the original 48 constellations plotted by 2nd century astrophysicist Ptolemy and remains today as one of the modern 88 constellations. I did not observe the Hercules constellation. My telescope pointed in the direction of the constellation but it was to faint for me to see it. The info from the telescope said the best time to observe is in the middle of May. Hercules is large and ranks as the 5th largest of all, across a remarkable 1225 square degrees of

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