
Constructive Criticism and Writing

Decent Essays

During my educational career I have written essays that had purpose or value in an educational environment for grading. Whether this was my intent or not it was what was asked of me by my instructors. Throughout all of these essays I keep a moderate amount of my own honestly throughout them. This is especially so in any essay that must ask questions. Luckily you, the reader, get to witness this. This assignment has asked questions for each and every paragraph that will be included but I might throw in a little bit of my own touches here and there. Before I finish up here I have to address them. Previously the length of my writing was much greater and it almost upsets me to think of the degree I use to write at in high school compared to now. I was a confident writer that started on the first sign of an essay. Unfortunately I am not being challenged and it shows in my ability to perform. I plan on examining my college work in order to show my growing apathy toward writing. Overall, and I mean overall, my college experience (not just in writing) has felt like a joke. The punch line is the amount of my money that will be wasted and let me tell you, it’s hilarious. The definition for the word honest is “free of deceit and untruthfulness.” I try to strive for that type of attitude in my work. Although some things I say or have said may not have been truth to what others believe but truth in opinion makes an individual themselves. Besides striving for honesty in my work I would

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