
Context And Principles For Early Year 's Progression

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Context and principles for early year’s progression
1.1 Explain the legal status and principles of the relevant early year’s framework/s, and how national and local guidance materials are used in settings
The legal status of learning that we must follow is the EYFS (Early year’s foundation stage) and the ECM (every child matters). The local guidance is that we must do our own two year checks and also our own referrals where children may need extra support. To support the implementation of the national framework each country has also developed guidance, information about the statutory elements, and training materials. Common features of the early years framework depends on the nation as they may have a different approach to the care and education of young children but they do all have some common features. Such as
• Partnership and involvement with parents
• Learning through active play
• Need for children to have opportunities for child- initiated and adult- directed activities
• Education programme is to be delivered holistically although divided into areas of learning
• Importance of assessing children’s individual needs.
There are also some differences particularly in the statutory nature of work with children 3 and under, as it is only England that brings work with children aged less than 3 years into a statutory education framework.
1.2 Explain how different approaches to work with children in the early years has influenced current provision in the UK
There has been

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