
Continuum : Continuum Of Care

Good Essays

Yasmin Khatoun
ESE 424
Continuum of Capacity- Continuum of Care
1. What is TBI and how does it affect and individual?
a. Research what TBI is. In other words, how many are affected with TBI? What areas does TBI impact? What are some of the key characteristics of TBI? What causes TBI? Does TBI go away over time?
i. TBI affects “.4 percent of all students in special education today”
(Raymond, 2000). There is already small number of students in special education and so the number of students with Traumatic Brain Injuries is very small. I have encountered around a hundred students in special education in my career so far and of those students only one High School
Student had a Traumatic Brain Injury which seems consistent with the numbers outlined in the test. TBI impacts the brain and some key characteristics are “physical impairment, sensory impairment, emotional disturbance, disruption of cognition, and language problems” (Raymond,
2000). TBI is caused by external force which may be due to an injury, accident, fall, or abuse (Raymond, 2000). TBI may go away over time as the individual heals but the effects of the injury may also be permanent.
b. Think specifically of learning and behavior. Pretend you are in your first year of teaching and a student has been injured and suffering from TBI. Now, respond to the following:

How would you find more information on TBI?
1. If I was in my first year of teaching and a student sustained a TBI I would find more information by

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