
Contrasting Age Differences

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Down on the grimy dirt track, I am in the center of hundreds of sweating, aggravated people who have been waiting long hours in the scorching sun. Sweat beads drip slowly down my neck, towards my backless dress for everyone to see. Looking at the drunken and impaired, I start to notice all the contrasting age differences who surround me. A vast majority of the audience neighbouring me, appears to be my age. Young adults who get to disregard all responsibilities for one night, until we go back to our summer jobs the next morning. Mothers stare in disbelief as they see girls dressed from head to toe in skimpy cut off jeans, and pieces of clothing that barely cover their breasts. Older men stand in their authentic cowboy boots, overcompensating for God knows what, as they keep a watchful eye over their much younger girlfriends. Off to the corner, the twinkling lights of the Ferris wheel catch my eye. Looking at the glowing monstrosity, …show more content…

The bright blue colossus towers over its prey, awaiting them to enter into the last possible resort, before victims lose control of the their bladders. Women dance, anticipating the wait to cross the finish line and lock the doors to their relief. As bodies leave the infamous bathrooms, I catch a stench of not only the port-a-potties, but the fragrance of grape swishers and stale beer that lingerie on my clothes for days on end. Turning my nose away from the overwhelming smell, I swivel my head back to the stage. The lights start to flash and illuminate the sky as the main performer struts to open the show. I catch a glimpse of the crowd in the front rows, squishing like sardines to get closer to the stage. The fans scream with excitement, for the anticipation of the last five hours has finally begun. The Great Jones County Fair comes alive with ages young to old, big to small, girl to guy, as we all sing in an off-key

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