
Cooking Is Cooking Essay

Decent Essays

Cooking is a necessity for everyone. Everyone in their life time needs to learn how to cook because cooking makes food taste better. Without cooking, everyone would eat raw fruits, vegetables etc. I am still learning how to cook but I consider it my hobby. Cooking is my hobby because I can spend time with my family, it is fun and because of the Food Network Channel. I now a days rarely spend time with my family. I am busy with homework, college applications and ACT/SAT tests. I have no time to sit down a chat with my family. I love my family every much, but I could be better of spending my time finishing all that I have to do to make time for my family. One of the few times I get to spend with my family is by cooking. I usually help my mom cook lunch and dinner during the weekends and cook with my dad on the weekdays. I am still a beginner. I can only the basic breakfast items like eggs, pancakes etc. Whenever I help my parents out, I am always learning and I get to spend time with time. When the food is cooking and I have to stand watching the pot till it is done, I talk with my mom and dad. Sometimes, my brother would come in and …show more content…

While cooking, I can come up with so many ideas. I can mix ingredients together and concoct some type of dish. I consider cooking as a science and experiment. Before cooking, all the materials must be gathered. After that, you follow the procedures on the recipe until you get a result. After the result, you make a conclusion about adjusting that ingredient amounts and temperature etc. Cooking opens up a possibility of anything to happen. I can make something really good that I didn’t expect to make, or I can make something bad that it causes some people to go to the hospital. I hope I don’t hurt people with my cooking; I am not a professional, but I am decent. Cooking is fun and entertaining on the rare occasion that I have nothing to

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