
Cornerstone University: A Case Study

Decent Essays

What is leadership? According to, it is defined as “the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group of people or organization.” To truly define leadership, one must first identify the qualities of a leader. From my perspective, an effective leader is one of many characteristics. A quality leader has integrity, is service-oriented, remains a student of learning, and is a team player. People in leadership roles should also have the ability to strategically, analytically, and critically think while problem solving. This essay discusses how I plan to accomplish my future endeavors of creating social transformation by implementing the knowledge and skill sets I would gain from the MBA program. I will also discuss my plans for utilizing experiences gained from the Cornerstone University – MBA program to enhance my leadership.
With the potential knowledge gained through the MBA program, I would continuously strive to create social transformation while impacting lives, communities, organizations, and businesses by setting positive examples of leadership. I plan to develop leadership programs as well as a global leadership …show more content…

By learning from experienced professors that work in the field, as well as information provided through the learning materials, I plan to develop a better understanding of business operations. The global trip would allow me to build my cultural competence, which is vital to excel in today’s business industry. This experience would help me enhance and cultivate my gifts of becoming a highly effective Christian business leader. Becoming a highly effective Christian business leader would ultimately promote my leadership abilities, which would open doors to promote growth in any organization I

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