
Corporals In The Marine Corps

Decent Essays

The United States Marine Corps holds its Non commissioned Officers, or NCOs, to a higher standard than any other service. In the Marine Corps an E-4 in the Marine Corps can be a collateral duty Inspector. Corporals in the Marine Corps can be trusted to verify that a part is ready for issue to be installed in multimillion dollar war assets, such as the F-18 or EV-8B where the safety of the pilots and those on the ground are in the hands of the Corporal collateral duty inspector. We Marines see the title of NCO as a sacred title. The amount of responsibility that is given to the rank of Corporal can be underestimated if you do not keep a smart leadership mindset. Corporals are expected to be beyond reproach, in their actions both on and off duty. …show more content…

Leadership is the biggest responsibility of the Non Commissioned Officer rank. A Corporal is the first rank and front line of the NCO ranks. They have direct interaction with the junior Marines, and therefore have a very big impact on the junior Marines. Junior Marines such as Lance Corporals are always looking up to and learning from their Corporals. That is why a Corporal should always be striving to do the right thing to set a good example for those Lance Corporals for when they earn the title of Non Commissioned Officer they can fulfill the tradition and prestigious position. Leading by example is the most effective form of leadership and is very valuable to Corporals as leaders. It is human nature to try and immolate those that we respect. The definition of leadership is the process by which one individual influences the behaviors, attitudes and thoughts of others. What better way to do this than by setting

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