
Corporate Structure And Culture : A Great Advantage When Inducting New Employees Essay

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Corporate structure and culture can be a strength or weakness to an organization depending on the situation at hand. For instance, culture that emphasizes on constant renewal is a reliable strength when it comes to organizational change. It would be easier to domesticate change with such a culture than when the organization professes a conservative culture. Organizational culture is a great advantage when inducting new employees because it gives them some insight of what is expected of them. However, corporate culture and structure can be an avenue of weaknesses when it comes to mergers if the two organizations merging have different cultures. The differences might call for restructuring of the resulting organization to accommodate both organizations. Restructuring is an expensive affair, which might have negative impact on customers (Films on Demand, 2011). How can the weaknesses be improved? Providing prior training to the employees of the organizations on the changes they expect after merger is a great way of reducing culture shock on employees when the two organizations merge. To minimize restructuring costs, the organizations should agree to work with old structures in the meantime while restructuring gradually (Ybema, Yanow, & Sabelis, 2011) There are evidence of new emerging notions of organizing effectively not really replacing the older approaches but "superimposed on them; it states that an organization 's purpose is to get results outside, that is to achieve

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