
Corporate Website On The Cloud Essay

Better Essays

As we discussed in our steering committee last week, you raised two concerns – security and data confidentiality – about hosting our corporate’s website outside our datacenter – in particular, on the cloud. I’m writing to you to convince you that hosting the corporate’s website on the cloud is the best option for the following reasons: it reduces operating cost, frees our staff to do other tasks, and provides better security. This report gives an overview of the current status of our website, explores available hosting options, and shows overall risks. In addition, you will find the team’s recommendations on this subject. Corporate Website Overview Currently, the corporate’s website is hosted in our datacenter, located in the headquarter in Riyadh city. Our operation team monitors the website during regular working hours (7:30 AM – 4:30 PM). After working hours, we depend on the monitoring solution to undertake this responsibility. Estimated hits on the website are 50,000 per day. This number reaches 900,000 per day when there are new announcements or changes in the stock market. During the last six months, we faced several challenges to keep the website operational; here are the critical ones: • Overtime cost has increased 10% above the average to fix intermittent problems occurring after working hours. • Website performance has decreased significantly because of the enormous number of hits. • Website monitoring has become a burden – especially with the increased number of

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