
Corporation and Betty

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Discussion Board 4/Week 7 Tisha Sanders Liberty University Online BUSI561 / Legal Issues in Business November 4, 2012 Starting and Naming a Business Betty Wilson, whom I view as being a mature and respectable Christian, is currently thinking of starting her own company. Betty expressed that she would like to open a Christian Coffee House in her present town of Belmont, NC. Although her husband, John is opened to making a contribution of capital to her business, he is not at all interested in taking part in the company’s operation or management. Betty is unsure at this point as to whether or not she would like to take on perspective partners in her company of if she would rather take on this company …show more content…

Betty has been approached by several people, such as her sister, Alice and her neighbor, Erma, regarding the possibility of taking part of the start up of her new company. Her sister, Alice, who is also a new Christian, has stated that she has been looking for an excuse to get out of the house and would love to be a part of the business. However, Alice’s husband, who is also a non-Christian, opposes the idea of his wife’s involvement with the company. He has made it clear that he expects his wife to remain a stay-at-home mother to their teenage children. Betty should think long and hard about accepting her sister as a partner in her company. The fact that her brother-n-law is not supportive of the idea could pose many problems for all of them involved. At this point, Betty does not need any problems or negativity. Bringing on Alice as a partner would definitely cause chaos, both personally and professionally. This would not be a smart move for Betty. If I were Betty, I would probably talk with Alice and explain to her how I felt from a business perspective and would offer her the opportunity to possibly work with me in her spare time where it would not interfere with her duties as a home maker. Betty’s neighbor, Erma, who is by the way, not a Christian, has also expressed an interest in participating in the business as a

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