
Correlation Between Density, Mass, And Volume

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I. Introduction
This experiment shows the relationship between density, mass, and volume. These three qualities are all related in that ρ = m/v, where p is density, m is mass, and v is volume. Through this experiment, however, it can be seen that by mixing certain substances, the density of the mixture can change, allowing certain goals to be met. In addition to this, finding density can be essential, as any substance has a density unique only to itself. For example, water (H2O) has a density of 1 g/mL, so any substance with that density has to be H2O.
This process investigated Archimedes’ principle, which deals with density. Archimedes states that “A body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid” (Archimedes’). This means that whether or not an object submerged in a liquid will float depends on the density of the object and liquid. If the object is denser than the liquid, it will sink; if the object is less dense than the liquid, it will float.
There are many ways to study this principle. For example, it could be tested in any fluid to see if Archimedes’ principle is still correct when dealing with gases; a heterogeneous mixture could replace the water to see demonstrate that it is truly density affecting the buoyancy of the object.
This method was used because it required only a simple procedure while still accurately displaying Archimedes’ principle. It also involved taking measurements and using significant figures, which is

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