
Corruption In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Although I enjoyed Aldous Huxley’s writing style and novel Brave New World as a whole, I disagreed with many aspects of the World State. While reading Brave New World, I couldn’t help but be disgusted by the relaxed sexual nature that was ubiquitous throughout this society. Due to the fact I grew up in a conservative Pakistani household, the idea of casual sex and erotic behaviors in children present in Huxley’s novel left me appalled. When John responds to Lenina’s attempts to seduce him with “Impudent strumpet”, John’s conservative nature rooted from the Shakespearean society is revealed (Huxley 194). Similarly, unlike the majority of my peers I view sex as a sacred union, not as an act to get instant gratification. Often, my views on relationships …show more content…

In both societies, having time to think is considered to be a taboo and a sign of rebellion; it is expected of each citizen to be so invested into their community that they don’t feel the need to stop and reflect. Individuals who choose to be distant from society and take time to think for themselves often face severe consequences, such as being exiled from society as Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson were in Brave New World. Bernard’s radical views and Helmholtz’s intelligence forced World Controller Mustapha Mond to send them away before they disrupt the “Community, Identity, Stability” that was prevalent throughout the society (Huxley 1). Comparably, in 1984, the Party chose to erase all traces of Syme’s existence due to his intellect and knowledge about society. Syme was considered a threat to the community’s well-being and was expected to be “vaporized” as he possessed qualities that the Party despised (Orwell 47). In both novels, citizens who chose not to conform to society’s norms are considered to be rebels and are immediately removed to preserve society’s

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