
Cosmetic Surgery Capstone

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Capstone Draft Everyday people suffer from from small things in their appearance that they find to be imperfections, such as something like a mole or a cleft lip that can leave them feeling uncomfortable and with a bad perception of their image. Many people turn to cosmetic surgery in order to change the way they look and feel more confident with their new characteristics. Cosmetic surgery is something that can change the way people feel by empowering their image and boosting self-esteem because it allows them to correct what they deem to be physical deformities and abnormalities, therefore it should not be considered elective surgery by health insurance companies as it helps their mental health. When people undergo cosmetic surgery, they tend to be happy with their results and feel better psychologically than they ever have before, In a mass research of 37 different cosmetic surgery studies, doctors found that patients were generally satisfied with their procedures and that many of them suffered from mental health issues. One major health issue a lot of patients suffered from was body dysmorphic disorder, which makes people believe that there is a mutation or abnormality in their body, although the problem is minor or …show more content…

Surgeons state that as teenagers grow up and develop,body parts will develop at various rates in different people. Is the discomfort that brings up the chance to transform a teenager with low self-esteem and a crooked nose into someone with self-confidence is often justified because a well-timed operation could prevent destructive behaviors, including eating disorders, bullying and self-mutilation (Sweeney) . Since we live in a society where celebrities are everywhere showing off their beautiful contoured faces,big and full lips and small nice contoured noses,people feel like they have the need to go through surgery to feel better and to fit in (Sweeney)

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