
Annotated Bibliography On Cosplays

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Annotated Bibliography
Lee, Soloman. "Cosplay Quotes." N.p., 18 Feb. 2012. Web. 18 Feb. 2012.
Otaku Aniverse interviewed cosplayer friends of what does cosplay mean to you? The cosplayers that answered this question were all women. Their quotes were very inspiring and powerful as well. It makes you even want to do cosplay yourself

1. Entry: Morgan, Maybelle. "I Come Alive in Costume: Shy Cosplay Fanatic Revels How Dressing up as Iconic Action and Fantasy Heroines Helped Her over Come a Lifetime of Low Self Esteem." Daily Mail, 26 July 2015. Web. 27 July 2015.
Annotation: Maybelle Morgan interviews a 24 year old Cosplay fanatic Kristen Lanae who battles with low self-esteem by transforming herself into iconic fantasy heroines as she blossoms into confidence. Kristen talks about her journey by physically turning into over 20 iconic characters with costumes, wigs, and makeup. How her experience at cosplay helped her break away from her shy and quiet nature.

2. Entry: Morales Denisse. “There Is Something Special About Cosplay.”11:25 A
Annotation: Assistant psychologist Dennise Morales was influenced by an experiment that Dr. Robin Rosenberg and Dr. …show more content…

Ali Mattu talks about what goes on at a Comic-Con conventions. He explains to non geek people what a Comic Con is all about. The next topic is the good side is the people, which is a great way for geek people to meet people who like the same things you do. How we are socialized human beings wanting to connect with another person, and how people become positive with a the super emotion of gratitude. The bad of how comic cons can tire you out from body, brain and your money. The ugly side is that people can do terrible things in bigger groups. The good, bad or ugly side of experience comic con is

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