Honestly, one would think that in todays modern world every country should be developed. However, few realize that there are still many developing countries. Mostly due to ignorance, and the majority doesn’t pay attention to the needs of developing countries. For instance, the only time a person may think of a developing country is when the see the commercials on television, and believes that this must be the only issues facing developing countries. Normally, people visualize those commercials asking for money to feed, or asking for help of some type of medical expenses. Take the United States as an example, and often this country would release funds to foreign aid before their own citizens. Which could easily cause tension amongst the government and the American people. According to, SAE there are about 137 developing countries, and countries that earns on average 11,905 or less are a developing country. There are many different choices when comes to picking a developing country. However, the country of Sierra Leone will be the country up for discussion. Sierra Leone is one example of what the World Bank considers to be a developing country, and it is in West Africa. As well as, the capital, Freetown, was founded as a home for reported former slaves. Currently, Sierra Leone has a population of about 6.1 million citizens, and on average the life span expectancy is 48 years old male, and 49 years old female. However, this country’s most brutal civil war ended in 2002, and
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier and the recent 2006 film Blood Diamond both depict how it was living in Sierra Leone, Africa during the Civil War in the ‘90’s. While A Long Way Gone focuses on child soldiers and what they had to live and go through for many years, Blood Diamond focuses mainly on how the country is torn apart by the struggle between government soldiers and rebel forces. The film portrays many of the atrocities of that war, including the rebels' amputation of people's hands to stop them from voting in upcoming elections. Both the movie and the book try to tackle major issues by asking the questions: how
reality of the most brutal 20th century civil war in Sierra Leone. Mariatu tells a very
A brief historical account of Sierra Leone may provide only a glimmer as to why the Sierra
Most recently stricken by the international virus Ebola and still recovering from a life-altering civil dispute, Sierra Leone is situated in Western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean. With a tropical, diverse climate Sierra Leone has an area of 71 740 km2 and an estimated population of 6 million residents . The largest of the population is located in the economic hub, political center and largest city of the country, Freetown. Sierra Leone is commonly divided into four major geographical regions: The Northern Province, Eastern Province, Southern Province, and the Western Area . The diversity of ethnicity can be centralized to the
12. I was surprised to learn that agriculture was the country’s biggest employer. I wonder why Africa is portrayed as a country that is less fortunate in some areas. I realize that I am lucky to live in the United States. If I were a youth in Sierra Leone I would be worried about my life once I become an adult. The article stated that without growth and investment, the country will struggle to create jobs for its young population.
The United States today is known as an industrialized nation. This means that we have a high standard of living. However, there are many countries that do not have a high standard of living and they are called developing nations. Many things could keep them from becoming a developed nation such as no international trade, lack of factories, and a lack of tariffs.
In the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set by the World Health Organization (2015), Japan far outperforms Sierra Leone in all health indicators. Japan, a leader in the world’s economy, continues to focus on reducing health disparities and improve the health of its citizens. Sierra Leone, one of the poorest countries in the world shares the same goals. Life Expectancy and Health Life expectancy are vastly different between Japan and Sierra Leone. Comparing these two countries will help gain insight into how the economy, government, culture, and the health care system impacts the overall health of its citizens.
The Bottom Billion by Paul Collier discusses why the poorest countries are failing and then offers some insights and solutions to the problem. He says the four major problems in developing nations are: conflict, natural resources, bad neighbors, and bad governments. The conflicts are usually civil wars which have huge costs and the situation just becomes worse the longer the conflicts drag on. Collier states that countries rich in natural resources are often worse off than countries that are not, he attributes this problem to several different factors. One of the factors is that the resources open the possibility for conflict over the resources. Another factor is that if a country strictly focuses it’s on a specific natural resource then the other resources and industries might get forgotten and lose value. Being landlocked with bad neighbors can also be a large problem because it makes it almost impossible to be a part of world trade, so these landlocked countries have to depend on their neighbors for most of the trade and materials. A bad government can also be very destructive to a country’s economy, if they create unreasonable and restrictive policies. The smaller countries are also at a disadvantage because it is hard for them to get any investors, because the investors would much rather invest in well-known countries like India or China. After Collier stated all the problems he also offered up some possible solutions. He believed that aid agencies should concentrate
In Sierra Leone a lot of the population lives in poverty. In 2011 the percentage of the people that were poor was 52.9 percent (Index Mundi). Also, “The live expectancy at birth was 46 years in 2013” (World Bank 2013). This shows that people die at an early age because of infections because they don’t have the money to go to a hospital. Another thing that has affected the people in Sierra Leone is that from 1991 to 1999 there was a civil war and most houses and shops are still not fully build back (BBC, 2015). Not only have they had a civil 3war but also in 2013-2014 the Ebola epidemic came and hit Sierra Leone (Rebecca Davis, 2014). So as you can see there where lots of things that influenced the people in Sierra Leone and because of all these
Building a nation… Slavery, Independence, Constitution, Military coups to Presidential elections! Senior Enlisted leaders, it is important to know that the freedoms we all prefer comes with a cost of sacrifice, bloodshed, and for some, nation before self for democracy. This essay will discuss the background, government, strategic importance, and future direction of Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone is a small country found on the west coast of Africa. The country shares a border with the Atlantic Ocean, Liberia, and Guinea. Sierra Leone has a population of 5,525,000 people, and 27,699 square miles of land. In 1462 Freetown, Sierra Leone was founded by Pedro da Cintra, a Portuguese explorer from Lagos, Portugal. da Cintra originally named the country Sierra Lyoa , the Lion Mountains, but in 1787 the British officially adopted Sierra Lyoa changing its name to its modern day spelling- Sierra Leone. This small country has faced many horrors within its history. The Sierra Leone civil war is a major contributing factor to the country’s current state of poverty and corruption. Most problems that the country faces today all stem
Most of the developing countries are mired deeply in economical obstacles, which prevent them from development significantly. In order to overcome those embarrassments world’s society struggles to find the efficient solution for poor countries’ economies. Historically, developed countries undertook policy of giving aid to their colonies, afterwards by the end of The Second World War the United States and United Nations embarked the global sponsorship to the developing countries and countries of the Third World due to humanitarian considerations. Since then many other countries have joined in the effort to provide financial aid to lesser developed or poverty ridden countries. But none of those countries that received an aid had experienced a prosperity phase and rapid economic growth.
Developing nations are filled with hope and aspirations of one day becoming a wealthy, dominating, and influential country. These nations can sometimes be unsafe, difficult to live in, and hard for workers to earn good compensation for their labor. On the other hand, living in a developed nation has many upsides. Developed nations are wealthy, which in turn have good infrastructure, labor and worker laws, and have less crime.
The countries that have experienced high and rising levels of poverty are more often than not, the developing countries that have been marginalised from the process of globalization. Think of North Korea or many countries in Africa. Such countries have insufficient levels of international trade and investment -- not too much. Whether poor countries are poor because they do not trade enough or because poverty stricken countries are prevented from engaging in the global economy, less globalization is generally associated with less development. Ernesto Zedillo, the former president of Mexico seems to have understood the power of globalization when he said, "In every case where a poor nation has significantly overcome its poverty, this has been achieved while engaging in production for export markets and opening itself to the influx of foreign goods, investment and technology -- that is, by participating in globalization."
People in the Sierra Leone have massive problems and sad stories of what they have seen in their lives. During time of Sierra Leone war, many rebels attacked people in the villages and other places. This left people with nothing to have and several families died or were lost. Numerous amounts of people in Serra Leone live in the refugee camps, which they have faced their own struggles whether you see them or not. This makes their lives harder and it is not easy for them to express their feelings. Meanwhile, this causes a plethora of people to live with fear and a small hope of living in the country. The leaders and security guards in Sierra Leone tries to get domestic needs for the refugees, get protection for the refugees, and get all