
Country Towns Poem Analysis

Decent Essays

The portrait of Kenneth Slessor is part of the Australian voices raised through poetry. His poems “Beach Burial” and “Country Towns” allow the reader to compare the honor and the nostalgia raised in two entirely different environments. In “Country Towns” the poet describes a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere through the use of figurative language, sensory imagery and alliteration. In contrast, “Beach Burial” portrays the poet’s voice about the insignificance and unnecessary sacrifice in war, using symbolism, imagery and onomatopoeia.
Throughout “Country Towns”, Slessor describes nostalgic portraits of the past, contrasting those in the elegy “Beach Burial” by conveying portraits of lost Australian soldiers. These features in the poems are depicted through onomatopoeia. In an admiring tone, Slessor’s “Beach Burial” explains how the bodies of dead soldiers have been helplessly floating …show more content…

Similarly, in both poems these pictures are conveyed through the use of imagery. In “Beach Burial”, Slessor’s word choice, such as ‘stake of tide wood’ and ‘driven stake’, form an image of the ‘unknown seamen’s’ graves – labelled with a cross as general symbol of sacrifice and death. However, the words ‘driven stake’ evoke an image of very violent and cold blooded murder. The effect of this imagery shows the realities of war and the agony that remains after. Furthermore, unlike the imagery in “Beach Burial”, in “Country Towns” the imagery is sensory. The description of the season by referring to insects and plants that are common in the rural area is creating a vivid images of country towns. Also, the illustration of old buildings with yellow woods and the use of old terminology – ‘public house’ for a hotel – are picturing another era that evokes a nostalgic tone. The images of these two poems form completely different emotions but yet depict conflict and

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