
Crash: Discrimination, Prejudice And Racism

Decent Essays

Whether people want to admit it or not, racism, discrimination, prejudice, and many more judgment comments have became a huge problem in the United States. The 2004 movie Crash puts in perspective all of the racism in the world and how people are affected by it and how many people ignore it for their safety. It is important to notice racism and try to put an end to it and to stand up to those who are are saying racist and discriminating things. According to Basirico, Cashion, and Eshleman (2014), racism is “the belief that one racial group is superior to others and typically manifested through prejudice and discrimination (p. 274). The definition of a racial group “is a socially constructed category of people who are distinguished from each other by select physical characteristics” (Basirico, Cashion, & Eshleman, 2014, p. 266). Basirico, Cashion, and Eshleman (2014) state that the physical characteristics can include skin color and type, facial hair, texture of the hair, and many more. Basirico, Cashion, and Eshleman (2014) also state that biological, physical, and social meanings are some definitions of race. In the real world, many judge others based on their skin color. In the movie Crash, Daniel Ruiz is judged based on the color of his skin by many of the other characters. Because of …show more content…

An example of overt discrimination in the movie Crash is when Ryan, a police officer, pulls over an SUV because he thought he saw a white woman giving a black man road head. Another example would be when the gun store owner did not want to sell a gun to Farhad because he associated him with terrorism. An example of covert discrimination would be when Officer Hanson tries to act like he is not racist by standing up for people of color, but in the end shooting a black man because he thought he had a gun. Hansen was not trying to make it obvious he is

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