
Craters Essay

Decent Essays

1. It tells us the age of a surface, more craters indicate an older surface. Earth’s surface has very few craters and we see a younger surface, one which has undergone a lot of geological processes. However the moon’s surface appears to have been unchanged for billions of years.
2. A planets size plays a large role in determining a planets internal temperature.
For example, since Earth is the largest planet in the terrestrial planets , heat is retained internally and stays tectonically and volcanically active. Since Earth is so massive in size it contains a deeper core which make the core trap in heat for a longer period of time. Through the presence of the chemical composition of radioactive decay steady heat is provided.
3. It has what …show more content…

when it rains on venus, consisting of h2so4, it evaporates before it reaches the surface because the planet is so hot. Venus also had a lot of volcanic activity which released co2 and raised the surface.
Earth and Venus have equal amounts of carbon dioxide; however, Venus became so hot that it was unable to create oceans of water. Earth however has oceans that dissolve carbon dioxide and it is lock in carbonated rocks. Due to the large amounts of carbon dioxide in Venus's atmosphere there is a large greenhouse effect.
It is thought that the absence of plate tectonics is the main reasons for the thick atmosphere of Venus, possibly due to the absence of a large moon to flex the crust.
Also the proximity of the moon to the sun makes it far more sensitive to runaway greenhouse effects.
7. When we observe the atmosphere of Venus we see that it contains large amounts of carbon dioxide; however, lacks water. Earth however, has a atmosphere that contains low traces of gas. It is assumed that Venus outgassed water and Earth's carbon dioxide and water vapor were both lost . Earths loss of water vapor can be explained as it was simply changed into the form of rain and the make up of oceans. The carbon dioxide from Earth atmosphere still remains however it is just trapped inside carbonate rocks like limestone. When we observe Venus due to extreme

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