I am met by a spectacular parade of freaks: the clowns, the ninjas, the naked, the hatchet-men, the demons. I stare directly into the faces of the outcast and misunderstood and they don’t give a fuck, only a “Whoop! Whoop!” Days earlier, I boarded the ferry to cross over the Ohio River into Hogrock. It offers amnesty from chaos that lay ahead. “Where you’re going,” the Captain said, “there will be twenty thousand or so, of the most misunderstood and hated people on earth. It’s an anything-goes island of debauchery, speed-rapping, demonic clowns, copulation, and drugs. It’s Shangri la.” Instantly I question my assignment. This will prove to be one of the last coherent conversations I have for the next five days. From this point on–almost …show more content…
One makeshift sign declares, “I’ve got the shit that killed Michael Jackson”. The atmosphere is part Farmer’s Market, part illegal drug concourse. According to my observations, roxy, oxy, LSD, mushrooms, hash oil, hash, weed, Special K, cocaine, meth, mescaline, ecstasy, molly, opium, morphine, Vicodin, and Percocet are free to sell it all without penalty. Mayne picks up cocaine, and roxy. And LSD. The megaphones are deafening. When asked why there is no police presence at The Gathering, Sherriff Thomas Slayman issues the following statement: "Would you want to take five people into that campground and start making drug arrests? I was raised very conservative and I am a Christian and that’s who I am. I also believe in America and the Constitution and that everyone has rights. Including the right to gobble hallucinogenics and wander around naked.” The Love Train, filled to max capacity, passes by and disappears around the bend. “Whooooooop! Whooooop!” “You know what that is, right?” Mayne …show more content…
The accused, Phantom is on trial for committing one of the most serious offenses under Juggalo law, theft. Phantom has allegedly stolen Hemlox’s (with an x) lawn chair. Both cases are delivered, and both sides rest. Following a short deliberation by a jury of their peers, a verdict comes in. “Guilty”, declares the judge. “Whoop! Whoop!” The bailiff leads him off to the Wheel of Bone, to determine his punishment. Unsatisfied, the mob madly chants, “Fuck His Car”, “Fuck His Car”. I find myself wanting to fuck his car too. The Wheel of Bone ignored, we move wildly for the exits in pursuit of a red Chevy Lumina. Tennessee plates. The Illinois Post will later run a story that includes the following: people punched, pockets picked, children missing, rappers shot, ninjas stabbed, and one fucked Chevy Lumina. I can only attest to the Lumina. We take the remaining LSD atop the Ferris wheel. Suddenly the ride stops. Starts. Stops. Sixty feet below, a girl has simultaneously taken PCP and acid. She commandeers the controls for her own personal game of PONG. Once down, we decide we are ready to follow the gravel trails to the main stage. We make our way through the
The driver, Cecilia Blair, of vehicle 1 was traveling north through the intersection of N. State St. and Flint St. when she had a collision with vehicle 2. The driver, Jacqueline Muir, of vehicle 2 was heading west on Flint St. when she was struck by vehicle 1.
Driver: Yooo where my money? Don't run away with my money. (the drive starts running behind them) WAITTT MY MONEY…
No response again. The mew in the front look around confused. Slowly enemies start to appear from everywhere around the gate DAMION (CONT'D)Drive! Drive!The driver floors it as a barrage of bullets hits the truck. The man in the passenger seat gets shot and dies as the truck smashes through the gate.
Maldynado jammed it into reverse and jumped out of the cab. Rear first, (285) and lastly when Amaranthe needed a distraction from the guards Maldynado didn't even have to think about her request he was so brave he, just ran out into the crowed and stole a truck while an enforcer yelled, “Stop them!” and then someone said, “They’re stealing our truck!”
Then some of people noticed a new guest, dress as a clothes of the Red Death. Everyone was freaking out because of him. When Prince Prospero saw this guy, he became angry and asked courtiers to seize him and unmask him. But no one have the courage to do it, including Prospero himself. The Red Death walked through the rooms, heading toward the black room. Prospero chased him with taking his dagger. Prospero reached the edge of the dark room, the Red Death suddenly turned to face him, and Prospero fell on the ground and dead. "Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, a throng of the revelers at once threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony
“Some people say I was lucky to survive, other will say I deserved it for the choice I made. I’m here to say I was lucky, it’s never ok to say your life isn’t worth living even at your worst you can always look forward tomorrow will come and if you put your mind to it you’ll see that anything is possible.” – Stephen McGregor Professional Paralympian
He breaks free from the shards of glass pinning his clothes to the leather seat like a knife throwing act. This unwise movement causes the whole car to lurch forward like a teeter-totter. Looking through his mangled rearview mirror, Hunt can only see the unmerciful ocean waiting for him to make the wrong move. Realizing his car is on the edge of the cliff, he reaches through the broken windshield and pulls his body through, struggling from a combination of too much alcohol and some newly obtained, but unidentifiable injuries. Once standing on the hood of the car he leaps off, letting off enough weight to upset the balance and send the Cadillac falling to the patient ocean. The car he hit was a black Mark IV Jaguar that held up fairly well to the accident with little benefit to its owner. He staggers over to the elderly man in the driver’s seat who looks too old to drive a car. He lifts up his arm, entwined with the steering wheel, to check the driver’s pulse. Nothing. He puts his two fingers on his own wrist just to make sure he’s still alive. Thu-thump, thu-thump, thu-thump. The emotional pain of the situation takes over the steering wheel from the physical pain, which was previously driving the muscles in his face. He places his fingers back on the driver’s wrist.
He releases the break and begins turning the wheel in the direction of the spin praying the tires catch before running full speed into the median. After, what felt like an eternity, spinning around and around as if caught by a crashing wave the tires catch. The truck jerks violently as Paul regains control the truck bangs up against the side of the exit ramp a few times while the brakes gently applied. The truck starts to slow down and Paul turns right to avoid the median and swerves left to dodge the light pole. They hit the curb rocking the pair ridiculously hard before running head on to a group of
Back in the main level of the factory, Wolf and Fox find Hawk lying on the ground, pale and unresponsive, his bulletproof vest next to him and the edges of a red stain showing around a wad of gauze. A soldier that Fox assumes is N-Unit's medic kneels next to him, along with Snake and Coyote. The three medics are talking frantically among themselves. The rest of N-Unit hovers nervously nearby; the rest of H-Unit is nowhere to be seen. Dust particles dance through the beams of sunlight from the holes where windows used to be, giving the whole scene a strangely dreamy air.
drives to the entrance, and the driver calls that he heard they have a riot inside. The guard
The meeting was starting. The leader, an older woman with green eyes who looked familiar somehow, stood at a little black podium in between the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions posters, the neon AA triangle symbol glowing powder-blue, hopeful, behind her.
- Gobble all that you discover, yet fastidiously escape the various holds along the road.
Baltimore WJZ 13 states “. Baltimore City police have confirmed the death of 23-year-old Tyrice "Lor Scoota" Watson, of Clifton Avenue following what police call a 'targeted' shooting after the he was shot while driving Saturday evening. /react-text react-text: 45 Sources say Lor Scoota one of Baltimore's fastest up and coming rappers was leaving the "Touch The People Pray For Peace in these Streets Charity Basketball Game," when he was shot and subsequently killed.
So I’ve been hearing that you starting to drink again. Need some advice? Okay, so the first thing you should do is think about if it’s helping the kids any. Second, you should go straight home after work. You going to the bar after work all the time isn’t going to help the family out. You have to be there for them. Third, you have to understand that drinking is going to kill you from the inside out. Do you really want to die? I know the kids don’t want you to. They would be lost without any parents. If you don’t think that’s enough to prove to you that you're hurting the family. I don’t what to tell you, Frank.
Tough guy. “I have to poop, I said loudly.” Ruthie said, “Let me go first” “okay fine you go, I sighed.” Ruthie made me promise that I would go after her. Matthew and I sat on my bed and drank some ice cold Kool-Aid and my stomach stopped hurting surprisingly. She exited the bathroom door and yelled, “T I’m done!” I yelled back, “whoa Ruth we can smell your bowels all way in my room.” She got so embarrassed. “T, you promised that you would go after me she, grunted.” “I drank some Kool-Aid; I don’t have to go anymore.” My advices to people that want to try drugs at a young age DO NOT DO IT! You’ll have the