
Creative Writing: Fair Brown And Trembling

Decent Essays

Hidden an adaptation of Fair, Brown, and Trembling

The fire’s flames were moving vigorously in the fireplace, as I finished reading a book. Nothing could ruin this moment except when my sister, Fionna barged in the door,
“Dad needs you downstairs!”
Without even saying anything I knew Bridget was behind her. I knew because I could see her smile, Bridget had the smile of an angel. It was hard to miss it! As Fionna dragged me from my room, I saw Dad jumping out his shoes as he said,
“Girls, I want you to know just because I have this title doesn’t you will be spoiled rotten!”
“Okay” we all said in unison.
“You are now looking at King Judd Churacha.”
“Oh Daddy!” Fionna screeched,
“Really?” questioned Bridget, then came me, the youngest with,
I knew life was changing, and it would be that way for a long time.

Three months later, the whole family was living in …show more content…

Prince Ethan and I were married 3 months later. I was the proud queen of Limerick. Our wedding celebration lasted a week! It was a beautiful celebration. My father didn’t come, though. When he found out I snuck out and Prince Ethan asked me to marry him he yelled,
“Get Out! You have a castle of your own now! Go run, to Prince Ethan!” “ You never loved me! I could’ve been kidnapped and you wouldn’t send any of your soldiers your to come and find me! You never loved any of us! Mom, Fionna, Bridget! When Mom died all you did was dig hole and get a coffin and bury her. Fionna, Bridget, and I loved her! So walk away from me, see if I care!”
After that moment of fury, I did exactly as he said I ran to Prince Ethan, my true love. As I went on my way I kept thinking, Did I just do that? I did, didn’t I?
I felt stronger than ever before For the first time I realized I was happy for Fionna and her family, there all with my

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