
Crime and Disorder Legislation, Sentences and Orders

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Pre-court measure There are 2 pre-court measures that are given to young people before they get taken to court, they want to help give the youths a chance to change their ways. The 2 measures are Reprimand and a Final warning. A reprimand is a verbal warning given to the youth by a police officer. The child may then be sent off to a youth offending team to complete voluntary work also known as community service, this will help to teach the youth a lesson not to punish them. A final warning is given to a child who admits that they are wrong in the offence they have performed. The child must then be assessed by a series of activities to help see the causes of their offending. Anti-social measures ASBO’s (anti-social behaviour orders) and …show more content…

The offender will be made to pay the money to the court which will then be passed onto the victim. Compensation will be taken into consideration for personal injury, loss or damage which has happened from the offence. Child safety order This order is given to given aged 10 and over and its intentions is to help and support them if the court feel as if they are at a risk of being involved in anti-social behaviour. The child may be given a curfew, this is to make sure that they are in after a certain time so they do not get the chance to commit any crimes. If they breach the curfew they must then be supervised by a social worker. Parenting orders It is given to a parent and this requires them to attend a 3 month programme. This programme will help parents to deal with their child’s behaviour and stop them offending. The child may then be given a curfew and it is down to the parents to make sure their child is attending school and that they are there on time to help them get a better education. Reparation order A reparation order gives the offender a second chance to make things better, the offender may be asked to either help repair the damage from their offence, write a letter of apology to the victim, verbally communicate with the victim to talk about the impact of the offence or have to do community service. There are punishments if you do not do what is asked from you, you could be fined, be given a curfew or be re-sentenced

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