Going into a field of criminal justice has always been a passion of mine since a very young age. I've always wanted to be able to protect and serve the community especially in times of need. Which has lead me into getting my bachelors in Criminal Justice as well as propel me to further continue my studies in criminal justice to obtain my masters. After much research, the master’s program of Management of Public Safety and Homeland Security Professionals seems to be the right fit. Obtaining my masters in that degree will further help me prepare for any position that helps when it comes to natural disasters to possible terrorist attacks. What I hope to achieve with this career path is to help create and establish different plans when dealing
There will always be a fight for justice, and where there is crime there are those who must solve them. I wish to pursue a career in the criminal justice industry, mainly working as a forensic science criminalist. Those who use scientific logic and evidence found at the scene of the crime to solve the case, The heroes who don’t wear the labcoats instead of the black and blues. Heroes like these need certain skills, interests, and values that make them an official criminalist.
Growing up I was always dealing with adversity. First it was my father needing surgery for his back. Later, resulted in him becoming disabled and being out of a job. Then, I was getting bullied along with my friends. After a while of this, I had enough of being defenseless and started to stand up for myself and them. This was what motivated me to want to pursue a career in Criminal Justice. I wanted to protect people from the wrong-doing of others because I knew what it felt like to be in that situation. The only difference between them and me is, I’ll always be there for them when there is a cry for help.
When I first started college, my academic goals were to learn as much as possible, join a Christian fellowship, get into the criminal justice program, decide whether or not to go to graduate school, and to graduate in four years. In addition, to also to either get a job or get accepted into an internship. My overall goal was to enjoy and make the most out of my college experience. My career goals back when I was a freshman, were to figure out if I want to join law enforcement or go to law school and find a job in the field of criminal justice, while being happy working the job. Over the course of two years, some of those goals have been achieved and some goals have been changed.
I want a major in Criminal Justice/Science. You have to know what the major requires, what the major is about, the mission and the career. This major tell you about how to care, help, and to protect one another.It will cost me a lot of money.
Switching my career path to Criminal Justice. I realized at the beginning of the school year that I did not want to further my career in the office field. I wanted to be an outgoing person and not someone who just spent their days behind a computer. I thought about other career options and I have always liked the law field that is part of the reason i took my lab. I later thought last year that it was not for me. I always liked shows that has to do with the law it just interests me. I want a job that I am going to enjoy going to everyday instead of going to a job and you don’t even want to be there. I thought after high school I was going to go into the office field. The only reason why I didn’t take Criminal Justice was because my mom. My
Law enforcement is a career that is both violent and rewarding in many capacities. Justice needs to be served in law enforcement and they have a responsibility to uphold the law and serve the people in the community. Law enforcement is crucial in the world today as a global realm as life continues to be more complex and law enforcement struggles to combat many aspects of crime. In order to combat these problems and have a positive future in the criminal justice system, everyone must work together on a bigger scale.
Some individuals know early on in life what their career choice may be, while others may not know just yet. I was undecided until I enrolled for classes in 2011. I am now four semesters away from being able to graduate with a bachelor’s degree so I can attend law school. I have an interest in attending Oklahoma City University School of Law. I have done some research on this particular school and feel that this would be a better fit for myself.
Higher education has become more valuable in many occupations and careers. Law enforcement is one of them, even though it is a slow transition from not requiring college education. Some of the requirements for a law enforcement officer is to have advanced writing skills, think critically, work in a high-pressure environment, and effectively communicate with citizens that they are protecting and serving. These skills can be learned on a job through training and experience, but they are also thought in college through homework, exercises, communication with other students, and required reading material by professors. When hiring college graduates with a four-year degree, they already possess many of the qualities and attributes that are highly
From a very young age I have wanted to pursue a career in Law Enforcement. However, as time went on my parents said I would change my mind on what I wanted to be at least a hundred times before finally deciding on what I wanted to do, but for me the dream has stayed the same. For me getting a bachelor's degree in Law & Justice is the next step in making that dream a reality.
When I was in high school my English teacher had us look for a career we wanted to do for the rest of life. I knew I didn't want an office job from 9-5 everyday. I want a job that I could be proud of and enjoy doing everyday. That's why I decided I wanted to work for the FBI. In order for me to get this job I will need a bachelor's degree in either a STEM field, Psychology, Business, or Criminal Justice. I chose Criminal Justice because it interest me the most and wanted to learn more about the laws and criminal system of the US. The other majors didn't interest me or I felt wouldn't really help me be prepared for the FBI. I feel that a bachelors in Criminal Justice will better help me when I get my career. I will also be working on a minor
I am interested to hear about your past in Criminal Justice, because I am a Military Policeman with retirement only 5 years away. Some of the skillsets that I think could benefit us is our ability to build rapport with people fast and having to tell that facts to people in situations that are not always glamorous. It is best for people to understand what they will face next, in plain straight forward discussions about disclosure and client patient confidentiality.
Criminal Justice is a career one can choose to pursue. “I take it as a job, but I love it. It’s not like work to me; it is something I love to do…. Like they say, if you love what you’re doing, you never work a day in your life”. (Tutor). Becoming a probation officer is not easy. One will deal with multiple duties, such as, gender, dealing with people on a daily basis, education, and be able to fulfill the requirements to become a probation officer. However, if one likes working with people and following rules, this is definitely the career for interested applicants.
Criminal justice is a topic that i have wanted to study since i was a little boy. I always found it to offly exciting to work with criminals and investigate their crimes. However what i really want to do with my degree is to not only work with criminals, but to help them get back on their feet and back into society. Thus, saying i want to become a probation officer for the federal government. Reason being is that i feel that with my degree and a minor in psychology i will be best suited for the job of a probation officer. However the work task of a probation officer is pretty tedious, from 40- 60 case loads a week depending on where you reside at. With that saying i would want my workplace to be located in DC because there corrections system
I agree with you, there are many field within the criminal justice profession. I’ve also seen many new civilian jobs enter the profession as well. We have civilian analysts and computer programmers that assist with our intel led policing programs. We also have civilians that work with our investigators and their sole mission is to research suspect’s social media sites and provides this information to the investigators. I believe this is consistent with you statement about human resources changing with the times and having to tailor the employee to the ever changing job. When we first started using computers to research and build cases, we would send the investigators to training. Over the years we realized this training was constantly being
Christopher Meloni once stated, “You couldn't pay me enough to be a law enforcement officer. Their job is a tough job. You have to solve people's problems, you have to baby-sit people, you have to always be doing this cat-and-mouse game with the bad guys. My respect for them is immense.” In other words, Christopher Meloni speaks about the immense amount of respect that he has towards the individuals who have made a commitment to working in the field of law enforcement due to their endless work load that they must do on a regular basis. At a fairly young age, I recall having the same amount of respect for those individuals as well. It troubled my family that at such a young age I always seemed to be interested in shows such as, The First 48,