
Critical Appraisal Paper

Decent Essays

Sources to develop a nursing research problem
Research problem can be developed from many sources. Listed below are some sources for developing a research problem: Personal Experiences; Practical Experiences; Critical Appraisal of literature; Previous Experience; Existing theories; Social issues; Exposure to field situations; Consultation with experts (Patidar, 2013).
Last couple of weeks we were appraising the research articles. So I am using Critical Appraisal of literature, as a source to identify a potential research study example.
Critical Appraisal of a research literature as a source of nursing research
When we critically study books & articles relating to the subject of our interest, including research report, opinion articles, & summaries of clinical issues, pertinent questions may arise in our mind. These may strike reader’s mind indirectly by stimulating imagination & directly by stating what additional research is needed (Patidar, 2013). We can find a good source of nursing research in the "Areas of Future Research" that usually occur at the end of most research papers. …show more content…

H., De Bacquer, D., & Defloor, T. (2007), titled, “Effectiveness of turning with unequal time intervals on the incidence of pressure ulcer lesions”, for the literature critique. This study concluded that there was no statistically significant difference in incidents of pressure ulcers, when the frequency of lateral repositioning increased from every four hours to every two hours (Vanderwee et al., 2007, p. 64). However, this study applies to patients on pressure-reducing beddings hence more studies are required for the timing of repositioning patients on non pressure-reducing

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