
Critical Evaluation of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Classical and Human Relations Theories

Good Essays

Critically evaluate the classical and human relations approaches of management theory. Your essay must clearly define the term ’’ management theory’’ and include industry examples to illustrate your answers.

The purpose of this essay is to provide a critical assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the classical and human relations theories of management giving some industry examples which supports their applicability and importance or otherwise.
“‘Critical evaluation is the skill of assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a piece of work, and of understanding the importance of its contribution to the subject’. Hulme, J.A. (2004).
For the benefits of in-depth analysis we will look at the classical scientific of F. W. Taylor …show more content…

His thinking has been developed into what is now called Work Study or Industrial Engineering. Taylor’s focus is understandably narrow as he was writing from scratch.
Few managements have been willing to put into practice one of his basic tenets that there should be no limit to earnings or bonus- most incentive schemes are restricted. This may inhibit the ‘mental revolution’ Taylor sought.
The focus on division of labour leads to increased efficiency and productivity. This can be seen in many operations ranging from fast food to large industrial facilities e.g. MacDonald’s or the car industry. Ford is said to have adopted his approach in 1913. Taiichi Ono of Toyota, father of JIT acknowledges his debt to scientific management.
The autocratic style of leadership also ensures a unity of command, clear lines of direction and control for a better focus on the job at hand.
During his time, the work force was not highly educated or trained. For many, the opportunity to obtain a secure job and a level of wages to provide for their families was all they expected.
Taylor, like the other classicists, have been criticised in that he heavily relied on experiences with large manufacturing companies enjoying stable environments. It may be unwise to generalize from those situations to others' especially to young, high-technology firms of today that are confronted daily with changes in their competitors'

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