
Critical Race Theory Discussion Of Community Cultural Wealth

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The article Whose Culture has Capital? Acritical Race Theory Discussion of Community Cultural Wealth, talks community cultural wealth as the critical race theory. Critical race theory changes the way we look as communities of color, instead of thinking of places full of cultural poverty disadvantages, it focusses on and learns from the range of cultural knowledge, skills, abilities and contacts possessed by socially disregarded groups that often go unrecognized and unacknowledged. There are various forms capital, including aspirational, navigational, social, linguistic, familial and resistant, these forms of capital focuses on what Students of Color bring with them from their homes and communities into the classroom. Yosso model focuses on a range of cultural knowledge and skills, that will help us understand why Students of Color do not succeed at the same rates as whites, and give us ways push these students to succeeded. There are six different types of capital such as aspirational, social, linguistic, familial, navigational and resistant capital. Cultural wealth often goes unrecognized, and is not the same for everyone, and most times in communities of color cultural wealth is often over looked. Yosso states that when cultural wealth when it is integrated into schooling, it is transformative(Yosso). Cultural Capital and Community Cultural Wealth are hand in hand. The community cultural wealth relates to the six types of cultural wealth and what they mean to our

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