
Critical Reflection On Self And, And Challenging External Power Structures

Decent Essays

Self-directedness or self-affirmation, and challenging external power structures begins with challenging our own assumptions and developing moral courage to bring to supervision and peers. We can begin identifying assumptions that oppose our interests that potentially harm service users (Bloom, 2006). Through critical reflection we have a better understanding of power relationships, which makes us mindful of not perpetuating people’s experiences of oppression in our working relationships with them. Deconstruction highlighted how implicit construction of power is disenabling and easily subscribed to as the dominant discourse. Critical reflection allows social workers to silently asking oneself as observing oneself in practice questions such as: What is my part of this feeling of tension or conflict. What can I own, how have I added to it? This helps social workers examine situations of tensions rather than blame other workers and or service users, creating a possibility and space for building more positive working relationships in solidarity. This in turn increases personal agency to create social change. We can get stuck in modernist thinking in scripts of ways of thinking and or doing things. Postmodernism and reconstructive processes through critical reflection, allows new alternative ways to think about the doing in our practice. To celebrate diversity and recognize pain and suffering is also diverse. (Bloom, 2006). Conclusion This paper concludes that social

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