
Public Inquiry Into A Via Train, Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Decent Essays

Introduction: Two weeks after RCMP foiled and arrested two men who were conspiring a terrorist plot on a VIA train, Prime Minister Stephen Harper was asked about the possible societal causes of terrorism in response to Liberal leader Justin Trudeau’s idea that “someone felt excluded from society” (CBC, August 25, 2013). Harper’s response to this notion was that it was not the “time to commit sociology” and that “I don’t think we want to convey any view to the Canadian public other than our utter condemnation of this kind of violence, contemplation of this violence and our utter determination through our law and our activities to do everything we can to prevent it and counter it” (CBC, August 25, 2013). Again in August of 2014, a week …show more content…

In my opinion (and many others, I am sure), this response is incredibly simplistic and one way Harper relieves himself of carrying any accountability, not to mention the overwhelming insensitivity to the victims and their families of these crimes. Challenging this type of ideology is something that social workers potentially may deal with on an everyday, particularly by those who orient themselves from an anti-oppressive approach. Personally I feel that this challenge of changing societal discourses that do not reflect social justice values sometimes seems futile and there are often times when I, as I assume many social workers, feel the weight of seeing oppression and marginalization continue to endure. However, resistance, alternatives, and social justice should be encouraged to social workers to maintain hope that even little changes can have a big impact. In my own way I hope to do this through my MSW thesis research by focusing on organizational culture values and comparing and contrasting to those found within social justice. This paper will build off of themes and ideas raised in my reflection paper for my MSW course Social Work 701: Social Policy: Critical Frameworks (please see appendix A). In particular I will look at the conditions (political, social, cognitive, and cultural) on which resistance, alternatives, and

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