
Critique Of The Research Approach / Method

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Critique of the Research Approach/Method
This article analyzed the positive experiences of twelve individuals who had visible differences (Egan et al 2011, p. 739). This study discovered four main elements that helped people to interpret their related experiences in a positive way. Generally, it can be seen that the authors applied interpretive social science (Neuman 2006, p. 87) to produce this study to capture participants’ experiences and feelings. There are some advantages that can be yielded by utilizing this perspective. Firstly, the authors were able to understand individuals’ different social lives. The complex social factors can be extracted to interpret participants’ feelings and emotions from their personal experiences. It was …show more content…

In addition, critical perspective also could allow the authors to analyze other influential factors, such as personality factors, social networks or complex social elements. As a result, the more reliable reason of positive adjustment could be found when the analysis includes various examining angles.
Critique of the Rationale, Aim(s) and Question(s)
The rationale of this study was established from the result of various researches. The authors realized there was very little research related to the positive outcome of visible differences; therefore, they wanted to explore how people had positive adjustment from their experiences. It is clear that these the researchers applied the ‘Logic in practice’ (Neuman 2006, p. 151) as their rationale was built on judgment and the experiences of other researchers. Although some researches revealed that people with visible differences had negative influences (Rumsey & Harcourt 2004), the authors believed that the positive outcomes were noticeable based on other researches (Thompson & Broom 2009). As a result, the justification of this article was to believe that people with visible differences are able to yield positive results rather than negative impacts.
Moreover, the aim and the questions were clearly articulated in this article. The authors utilized dot points to show the aim and

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