
Crossfit Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Living a fairly active, healthy lifestyle is pretty important to us in our little corner of the world. We have made a number of changes to our diet in recent years and we try to challenge ourselves with new physical activities to keep our daily exercise routine interesting! CrossFit training programs have popped just about everywhere in recent years; and the style and intensity of the CrossFit workout appeals to many busy families. If you have been hesitant to begin a CrossFit program; don't be! It's never too late to begin a training program and we have a few tips for beginning CrossFit Training.

Now is the right time to begin cross training. I am the Queen of Procrastination when it comes to beginning something new and different--especially a new exercise program! I worry that I'm too old. Too out of shape. Too overweight. Too weak. Too......whatever the negative flaw of the week may be! Discuss your interest in CrossFit with your physician--and, if it's okay with your doctor--you are ready for the CrossFit Box or gym. …show more content…

Do some research and find a local class for CrossFit beginners. You will feel more at ease with a group of people who are also a little hesitant, skeptical and new to the CrossFit training "process", terminology and routines. Don't expect; however, that everyone in the Beginner Level CrossFit class will be at the same fitness level. The range of fitness levels in a beginner class may vary widely--but, the goals of those individuals vary widely as

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