
Crossfit: Forging Elite Fitness Essay example

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Crossfit: Forging Elite Fitness

Elite athletes to grandmothers can use the Crossfit method of fitness to achieve their fitness goals. It is the best and most well rounded fitness program there is in achieving general fitness. Whatever your fitness level and goals, Crossfit has something to offer everyone. Since its inception it has grown in popularity and has helped many reach maximum levels of fitness. This is why Crossfit is the best fitness program there is.


The Crossfit Fitness Organization was founded in 1996 by Coach Greg Glassman. He created the fitness program for one reason, for athletes to be as well rounded as possible in all areas of fitness. In fact, Crossfit is designed around athletes GPP which is General …show more content…

These are quantitative measurements that can be tracked and looked back on. These recorded times of these workouts will give the athlete a better understanding of how much their work capacity and strength has increased from one workout to the other. Knowing and analyzing these numbers will give the athlete a better idea of what their strongest and weakest areas of fitness are. This is one concrete way that participants can insure that these workouts are giving them maximum fitness gains. This was shown in a study by the U.S. Army which documented their fitness gains by using Crossfit over a period of time (Army, 2010).

One can clearly see that Crossfit is an effective fitness program by the increase in the number of people that have joined the program and the number of Crossfit gyms (affiliates) that have opened over the years. The numbers do not lie, Crossfit affiliates are in all fifty states and all seven continents with the exception of Antarctica (Crossfit Community: Forging Elite Community, 2012). Crossfit was founded in 2006 and is still going strong. It continues to promote overall physical fitness and long term well being. More and more people everyday take part in Crossfit workouts all over the globe at many different Crossfit affiliates. Crossfit is the

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