
Cruelty To Animals In America

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A population in America that often goes unnoticed is the animal population. Each year, approximately 7.6 million animals enter animal shelters nationwide (ASPCA). Of those 7.6 million, 2.7 million will be euthanized. I believe that no matter what species, no living being should ever be euthanized simply because there is not enough room for them. The ASPCA, or The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was the first humane society to be established in North America and is, today, one of the largest in the world (ASPCA). This organization was found on the beliefs that animals should be treated respectfully under the supervision of humans, and that no animal should be killed.
By definition, a Humane Society is, “a society for …show more content…

As a nonprofit organization, they receive no government funding, meaning they run 100% on donations and grants and 80% of their staff are volunteers. Through Opt to Adopt: I encourage people to donate and volunteer at the Central Oklahoma Humane society, or a rescue near them. I have done numerous hours of cage cleaning and hanging with furry friends myself. When you volunteer, you are not only helping the Humane Society and the animals residing there, but it is also a pick-me-up for yourself. You get a mental break from the world to play with animals for the day. What more could you ask for?
In the next year, I have plans to start a donation program where I will pick up towels, blankets, dog food, and toys from the Oklahoma community to donate to the Central Oklahoma Human Society. In their intake facility in Del City, each dog has one to two blankets provided for them to sleep on, with nothing else between them and the cold cement floor. When I was last there, I noticed that they were running low, or they didn’t have the best quality available. These small things are especially important in the winter when temperatures get below

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