Cultural and racial issues that we deal with almost on daily basis.
Nikolay Solovyev
Keiser University
Cultural and racial issue that we live in.
I was originally born and raised in Leningrad, Russia. Russia was and still is one of the most racially divided countries I know of, mainly because there are not that many African American people that reside there. When I moved to United States, I had to make a tremendous adjustment of how I looked at the world and other people; primarily people of other races and cultures. I never considered myself racist nor the type of person who would protest against such event. I understand that there are right and freedom of speech, but there other ways you could express yourself. I like
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I think all lives matter. I served in the military for over 12 years, which is the most diverse company you could think of. I worked with Asians, Hispanic people and African Americans and all of them at one point of another I either called them my brother, sister or even family. Not too long ago my brother in arms, who I served with for 4 years, recently was honorably discharge from the military. He moved back home to Atlanta, GA; and with all this killings and murders of black people, he joined the Black Lives Matter protests. It is very disturbing and painful for me to see, that he has to go through such event just to defend his rights and race, and fight for his freedom. On daily basis innocent people die whether they are black, Hispanic or white, All Lives Matter, but I also understand the issue that African American people have to deal with every day.
Burning of American Flag According to U.S. Code 700, “Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both” (18 U.S. Code). For person myself, who moved here from another country and who proudly served this country, it is very disturbing to me that there are some people who would protest and do such thing as stump
According to Central Florida Future “ Black Lives Matter is simply us saying,”Our lives are valid”.It is not the same as “Our lives are more important than yours”(Debouse and Ellison). When this movement was created it's not a movement for Black lives only matter, this movement is bringing attention to African-American lives do matter as well as everybody else's lives. The Christian Science Monitor states “Other supporters point out that responding to “Black Lives Matter” by saying “all lives matter” minimizes the problems faced by black Americans, and undercuts their message”(Fredrikson). Just by saying all lives matter, which they do, but the African-American folks feel they are excluded from all lives matter because if everybody's life did matter police and other people would not be victimizing the blacks as the bad guys. The attention people have brought to this movement is amazing because now more and more people are understanding and learning as to why is movement started and what is the reason they are doing it for. Celebrities such as Beyonce, Snoop Dogg and Stevie Wonder have brought attention to this movement by sharing their opinion on social media, interviews etc. In conclusion, Black Lives Matter has a valid reasoning to be a positive
Is it okay to burn the American flag? In The American Flag Stand for Tolerance It gives reason to why it is okay to burn and why it isn’t. In the story it mentions that It should be okay to burn the flag when the government has done something that is bad. But the story also cites the first amendment stating that you should be able to express your opinion as long as it doesn’t become physical. In war the flag stayed up the entire time and never came down and that shows that burning the flag can also show tolerance because the flag has been through much worse and has never came down. But burning it can also lead you into trouble because people can get the wrong idea such as the law. Overall I feel people spreading their opinion on government
I get the Black Lives Matter movement. I too have said that all lives matter, but in the current context, no lives matter more than black lives right now because they are right, far too many black lives have been taken unnecessarily. Many people have demonized the BLM movement because of the words of a few people who have threatened the lives of white
The flag of the United States has carried the same pride and symbolism for almost two-hundred and thirty years. Millions of American men and women have died to protect what it symbolizes: the freedom and rights of everyone who claims that flag. Moreover, it stands for the people who gave up their lives to defend this country. Yet some disrespectful people still defame that symbol with impunity. In outbursts all over the world, people burn, spit upon, or defile the American flag. This is the same as going to Arlington National Cemetery and spitting on the graves of our war heroes. It is tantamount to telling a soldier's mother that her son who fought to protect
Through the years of America, there have been multiple accounts of flag desecration. Flag desecration is a term that is used to describe a various set of acts that intentionally destroy, damage, or mutilate a flag in public, and in this case, the American flag. Citizen’s typically doing this treasonous act when they want to make a political point against their country or policies in the country or another country. Some of these actions include: burning it, urinating or defecating on it, defacing it with slogans, stepping upon it, damaging it with stones or guns, cutting or ripping it, verbally insulting it, or dragging it on the ground. A few countries have laws that forbid the methods or just uses of this
Burning the United States of America flag should be protected under the First Amendment right. The first reason is because burning the flag does not destroy or damage the system of freedom and the meaning the flag represents. According to article 1, retired General Colin Powell’s letter to Senator Leahy, he states that if it is their own flag there should not be punishments, however, if it is someone else's then it should be a punishable crime. Having the freedom to their own property further enforces the meaning and value the flag stands for in the first amendment right. Moreover, it is their own property and they should have the rights to exercise their first amendment right. Another reason is because the act of expressing one's expression
This brought on the Supreme Court striking down all laws banning flag desecration in 1989. Justice Brennan wrote “If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable (civilliberty website, n.d) One cannot simply ban or outlaw a person’s right to exercise their ideas publically because it goes against the majority or popular belief. Taking away ones freedom of speech, you then take away the voice of a nation. You don’t have to always agree with the words, ideas or views someone expresses but you must give them the right to say it without repercussions. We recite the pledge of allegiance, not fully understanding what it means. The last section of the pledge states “with liberty and justice for all”. (, n.d) Which means, the freedom to live, speak and to carry on without fear or injustice. No matter the race, gender or ethnicity George Washington said it best, “if the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”(Washington, n.d line 31 ) This nation was built upon principles that we are all free. Free to live and exercise our rights to speak freely and protest as citizens without fear. The Constitution also allows one to peacefully
In their mind it violates a person’s right to freedom of expression. I don’t advocate arresting a person for burning a flag, that actually seems quite extreme, but I think there should be a punishment for what I consider a crime in order to deter it. Now even a punishment could be thought of as a violation of a person’s rights. After 1989 case Texas v Johnson, the Supreme Court overturned the prosecution of Johnson due to the First Amendment prohibiting laws that punish people when they use the flag in a way of political expression. The opposing argument for this is how do courts make the distinction? Also it can be contended that this expression is used to insight more unrest under political views. There are other ways to express political and social discourse with the country. One of the reasons that the First Amendment was established was for citizens to be able to protest peacefully on issues they do not agree with government on. Protest in the form of freedom of the
Protesters have burned the flag in many protests to say that “America is going down in flames” according to one college student during a protest on the D.C. college campus (Kopan). It has been a method used since the vietnam war for protesters to say what they need to say. It has been an issue that congress has been working on for years to resolve on whether or not flag burning should be banned or not. Many say it should and I agree but legally they can not bane it because it is a form of speech and to do so would mean going against the constitution which would lead to many more protests (Svrluga).
“The US flag is a symbol of great pride” (Hills 2016). Ethan D. Hill from the University of Georgia states this, just as all Americans should know this. The American flag is a representation for the strength and power of this country and all that it has gone through. With that being said, not everyone sees the American flag in this way. Some take it upon themselves to show firsthand disrespect to the flag in desecrating it. Desecration is the act of burning something, in this case it is burning the flag that symbolizes the freedom of this great nation. It is obvious to most that this act should be illegal, seeing as there is no reason good enough to hurt the country in this way; however, some Americans believe otherwise.
“Old Glory,” otherwise known as the American Flag, has been a huge part of America 's history and a representation of The United States of America. Ever since The American Flag has been around there have been countless debates about whether it should be a crime to burn or deface the flag. Throughout the world there are many places where defacing your country 's symbol is considered a crime and considered disrespectful, and others where it is considered an expression of free speech and one can do so if they please. Most debates revolve around the issues of respect and national pride versus freedom of speech; both sides are very passionate about their stance on the topic.
I am sick of seeing black lives matter, blue lives matters. Post on Facebook. I really am. ALL LIVES MATTER, it doesn't matter if your black, white, blue or green, straight, gay, or bi, rich or homeless, male or female. You're life matters, at least to me it does.
Some folks say and support “Black Lives” and others, “All Lives”. As time go on, things take a turn ‘for the worse’. The ‘turn for the worse’ is due to the mindset of many people and the mass media. With time should come justice, peace and common ground on what is happening, but what if no one is supportive or have no knowledge of what is to come? The saying of “All Lives Matter” is deleterious and ruinous to the “Black Lives Matter” movement and support and to the black community by deteriorating their beliefs, livelihood, and mentality.
Anthropologists have always had their discrepancies with the word culture and its background significance. There have been numerous definitions that have filtered through the field, yet not one that everyone can accept or agree with. Franz Boas, an anthropologist in the early 20th Century, and his students, had a difficult time figuring out the objective of what culture is. Culture is about learning and shared ideas about behaviour. Although Boas and his students had a slightly different idea in mind. They ultimately reached a conclusion, a definition of culture in their view that is a contradiction in terms. Boas sates that, “ culture was expressed through the medium of language but was not reducible to it;
All Lives Matter does not only care about one race. Many people didn’t realize that Black lives matter is creating this boundary between blacks and other races. The people of the movement might not believe that they are causing it to happen but that is what is happening. The people of the movement state they only care about the black lives that were lost to police and injustice, but most of the black killed in America are what people consider “black on black crime”. While All Lives Matter try’s to fight all injustice. The first example is Richard Sherman, Charles Barkley and Karl Malone who have come out and stated they support All lives Matters and have donated or helped with pro-bono cases