
Cultural Aspects Of Cultural Identity

Decent Essays

Cultural Identity varies from person to person. Everyone has something unique about themselves that separates them from every other human being on earth. For some people it’s their ethnic background that divides them from the group, others could be clothing or their religion. I have several aspects that define my culture and demonstrates what makes me, me. My most dominant cultural aspects are travel, physical characteristics, education/career, and music. I have done a great deal of traveling. Originally, I was born in Anchorage, Alaska and my hometown has a lot to do with my cultural identity regarding food and sports. Alaska is where I first started playing football competitively. It is also where majority of my family lives so I had multiple chances to visit and hang out with them over the course of ten and a half years. Growing up in Alaska for multiple years, I learned to love fish, preferably halibut or salmon and some seafood. Alaska was where I developed my addiction to basketball and realized how much I envied the game. I was mainly learning by myself because I was more focused then and it was easier for me to think and concentrate about what I was doing and why I was doing it. I would also go to a local recreational center where majority of the other basketball players in the east anchorage area play and run games. I played on my first basketball team thanks to my friend who introduced me to the coach of the team. When I moved to Fairbanks, Alaska

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