
Cultural Determinant Of Health

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Cultural: The Cultural determinant of health are customs or beliefs within families and the community. The Cultural determinant of health influences within families and the community that influences adolescents to drinking alcohol, is the exposure and the access to alcohol at a very young age from parents or from households, and how particular individuals are brought up in their community or environment overall. From the ministry of social development in NZ, , it states that alcohol addiction starts from the destruction of families and communities. Disrupted family relationships with adolescents in fact is one of the many reason towards why young people turn to alcohol also due with guilt, emotional withdrawal, …show more content…

From the survey they experimented on, one adolescent states, “My mother’s drinking was the backdrop to my childhood…I am an alcoholic now.” This just shows us, that adolescents can be easily influenced by their own family members, by means if adolescents are brought up in a household that consuming an amount of alcohol is a everyday basis, there is a higher chance that adolescents will grow up thinking that it is acceptable and completely normal to consume a huge amount of alcohol every day, seeing that almost their whole lives they grew up and was surrounded by alcohol-related problems. Which also indicates us, that adolescents are not only pressured by friends, but is also a huge problem/issue in their own homes. This only makes it extremely difficult for adolescents to stand up for themselves, seeing that family plays a huge role in young people’s lives in

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