
Cultural Identity And Identity

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The “Sociological Imagination” contrived by C. Wright Mills defines that every individual is deeply connected to society as a whole, thus we are all in turn shaped and affected by society. One's personal problems is not just a personal matter, but rather a societal one. (Mills, 1959) When I look at my life, I think that it is clear to see that my personality and circumstances have been influenced by social constructs. Being a second generation Canadian with a biracial background, my life has been shaped in its own unique way. Growing up in a multicultural family, it has been quite difficult to find my own cultural identity. This can be identified as an individual's own problem, however, by using the sociological imagination you can see …show more content…

I had lots of opportunities to see how someone’s cultural background can affect his or her social class. For example, my mother who comes from once a socialist country still believes that you are not supposed to show off. For her jewelry, car or latest cell phone seems to be on the bottom of the priority list. On the other hand, my father, who comes from a previously communist country that seems to be currently following capitalist values and trends, would love to have an expensive car or a latest cell phone and camera because all these things, in his belief, show one's social status. From my earliest childhood I witnessed their conflicts and arguments about what we needed for the household. This further created the idea of separate identities for myself one leaning more towards the Chinese side and culture and the other towards the western philosophies and ways.

Another area that was quite confusing when I was growing up was religion. Both my parents, being from socialist/communist countries do not have any religious background. I remember my mother saying that my grandmother was a teacher, therefore they were not able to celebrate Christmas. They could decorate their Christmas tree after December 25th to celebrate New Year. However, since I was a young child we were celebrating lots of different holidays, among others both Catholic and Orthodox Christmas (my

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