
Cultural Practice : The Case Of Women 's Reproductive Illness

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Cultural practice in the case of women’s reproductive illness:
The culture of people is very much important to describe the group. For instance, a group can best be understood and described based on its cultural practices (Ajeboye, and Abimbola, 2012). This is because people’s culture best explains why and how they do, what they do and behave, the way they behaved. In my study of socio-cultural factors which shaped and reshaped women’s reproductive illness, I saw that the cultural practices of women in the time of their reproductive illness are very much important. A shared culture based on the practices of the society or community. Each of these communities possesses norms and values about sexuality, and these norms and values can …show more content…

In many cases of my study area, different types of treatment are considered as the result of cultural practices. According to social network theory, the treatment of woman’s reproductive illnesses may be associated with the normative behaviors in the community. In my study area, I have found that women are widely influenced by the cultural practice of their reproductive illness treatment. Most of the people in my study area used the treatment of their reproductive illness as using tel pora, pani pora; listening the advice of elders, using herbal medicine as well as the medicine of unani; taking medicine from the nostrum without any check-up, and examination; and consult with the female doctor when the situation became very much critical. Some of my respondents used the culturally practiced way of treatment in the case of their reproductive illnesses and they alone take this decision of taking treatment of their reproductive illness without consulting their husbands. And their husbands do not react with their wives in this case because they think that this process is culturally shaped means this process is maintained by their mothers, sisters, neighbors, relatives and the people of their society.

Case study:
One of my respondents named Rupu who is a BCS cadre, her age is thirty eight years old. She got married at her age of twenty four. She suffered from her infertility. Though she is an educated person, she would not consult a doctor for the sake of her infertility

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