
Cultural Reflective Essay

Decent Essays

For me, Given the opportunity to Bead undoubtedly brought me closer to Native culture and taught me much about patience, the ability to focus and to have goodwill. It drew my attention into how Native peoples view the world, and the simplistic yet utterly complex art styles they hold to their culture. Over the course of around a month of beading, I was opened up to such a vast world of culture. With not only beading but how it led me deeper into the Native Culture, more specifically Ojibway. My Experiences while beading truly varies, it was definitely very difficult for me but brought an aspect of fun and creativity with the activity. While thinking about the grandfather teachings, I took some time and concluded that during the activity I was most like the bear, which represents courage. As I am impaired with my vision I needed lots of courage to be able to pull the beading off, and it definitely took a good amount of time for me to find the courage inside me, most of the time it was very frustrating, and that took away from the fun that the project brought, It …show more content…

Thankfully I have a loving family that was able to pick me right back up when I stumbled. When I got frustrated my mom would always be there to help me with the beading, and it became something we almost did together. She helped me so much and I am so grateful for her bringing back the courage inside me. My teacher Mrs.Dowdall was also able to understand my problems with the beading and was also there to help me and bring back that courage, so for that I thank her. And in the end I finally found my fix to my problem, It became much easier for me to bead when I worked slower. And knowing that if I failed a step that there would be someone there to help me flourish again. It brought totally new positive views to my family and friends. And has left a mark on me

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